пятница, апреля 08, 2011

Google Maps Plane, Train & Boat Directions


Google Maps includes a number of little Easter Eggs with suggestions for your inter-continental travel. For example, if you ask Google Maps for driving directions from Japan to China Google Maps suggests, at step 42, that you 'Jet ski across the Pacific Ocean'.

If you don't fancy jet skiing then rome2rio could be the solution that you are looking for. This Google Maps based travel search engine can help you get to anywhere on Earth with flights, trains, ferry and driving directions.

This introductory video is a great introduction to what rome2rio provides:


1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

Hello. Nice map :) I'm a new in google maps and I would to ask one question as a developer...

Could you please to explain me, how to draw line with travelMode G_TRAVEL_MODE_TRAIN? I try this:

directions.loadFromWaypoints(latlngs,{travelMode: "G_TRAVEL_MODE_TRAIN", draggableWaypoints: true});

But... this don't work...

Could you help me?