понедельник, апреля 11, 2011

Gigs on Google Maps with Video Previews

Bill's Map

Bill is a genius and I love this map.

Bill's Map is a Google Map of upcoming gigs in Austin, Texas. It is possible to search the map for upcoming shows by using the date slide-bar at the top of the map. You can then choose to view just the recommended gigs or all gigs on the map.

The genius idea is that when you click on a marker for a gig you can view a YouTube video of the band (where available). This means that you are able to search the map for gigs and get a quick preview of the bands or artists to help you decide where you want to go.


1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

It'll be hard not to come across as bitter or boastful in this post but I had this idea a few years back and it's nice to see someone implement it. The look/feel is very nice and the grabbing of youtube vids is a solid touch.

My (naive) attempt involved getting the bands themselves to submit and upkeep their listings, but this was just after the peak of myspace where bands seemed to put a lot more work in to self promotion. So I'm wondering where Bill gets the listings from?

Best of luck with the site :)