понедельник, марта 07, 2011

French Open Data on Google Maps

État Civil Paris

Paris has created an open data portal called ParisData. Bluenove and Mapize have created a Google Maps mashup of the data for births, marriages and deaths in the 20 districts of the French capital for the years 2004 to 2009.

Using the map it is possible to view the number of births, marriages and deaths in each of Paris' districts. Visualising the data geographically presents some interesting results. For example, the number of deaths in the 15th arrondissement is far larger than in other districts.

Via: GeoinWeb


SIC is a Google Maps interface to explore open data from the French city of Rennes. Using SIC it is possible to select and view local points of interest on a map.

The application uses an interface optimised to be accessible from mobile phones. From the menu you can select from a number of points of interest, such as public buildings, parks, sports facilities and bike stands. It is also possible to view the points of interest by neighbourhood.

Rennes is currently holding an application development contest for its open data. If you want to vote for SIC you can do so here.


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