понедельник, июня 06, 2011

A Decade of Road Deaths on Google Maps

Transportation for America

From 2000 to 2010 more than 47,700 pedestrians were killed in the United States. Transportation for America's Dangerous by Design 2011 Google Map can show you fatalities within 60 miles of any address in the USA.

To find out where pedestrians have been killed near your home in the first decade of this century simply enter your address into the map's search box. All the pedestrian deaths within a 60 mile radius will then be displayed on the map.

If you click on a map marker you can view the details of the accident and view a Street View of where the fatality occurred.


1 комментарий:

massi комментирует...

Very interesting and usefull application, both as a comunication means and also as a working tool for identifying critical points. A question: the 47.700/10years pedestrian fatalties include also ciclists? Which is the percentage of the total?

Thank you.

Massimiliano Amirfeiz
(WWF - Italy)