понедельник, июня 13, 2011

Random Google Street View Generators

Robot Flâneur

Robot Flâneur is a random Street View generator. You can choose to select from a number of cities around the world and sit back and watch as Robot Flâneur presents a succession of random Street Views from Google Maps.

The application comes with a number of options. You can view the app in full-screen, you can view a small map showing the location of the Street View or you can pause the app or fast forward to the next image.


Straatblik generates a random Street View from Google Maps' imagery in the Netherlands. To move to the next random view just press 'Volgende'.

My first random find was what looks like the world's largest spinning top. What can you find?

MapCrunch - Random Street View

Do you feel lucky?

This fun Google Maps application displays a random Street View image from anywhere in the world. To view a random image from Street View all you have to do is press the 'Go' button.

If you want to narrow down the randomness of the image you can select to view only Street View imagery from particular countries. Each country with Street View imagery has its own button and each can be set to on or off.

Google Street View Roulette

Street View Funny, the Street View Gallery website, created this Street View randomiser a while back now. Street View roulette is restricted to imagery from the UK. To play Street View Roulette just press the 'Random Google Street View' button.


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