суббота, июня 04, 2011

Minecraft in Street View

MineCraft Köttdisken

Hot on the heels of the amazing GTA IV Street View map comes this Minecraft Google Map.

Admittedly this map isn't quite in the same league, containing just the two custom Street Views (compared to the over 80,000 Street Views in the GTA map), but it does help to show the possibilities of mapping game worlds with the Google Maps API.

MineCraft Köttdisken uses the Google Maps API to display the Middle Earth Minecraft world. As well as the two panoramas, created using the custum Street View function, you can also turn on map markers to show signposts and view the map in a number of different styles.


4 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

Hi again,

First I have to say the Minecraft world that the map has been generated
from runs on a private server, which is also why it isn't particularly
fancy nor translated. I take no responsibility for bleeding eyes ;)

However, I feel I have to clarify myself a little bit about the map and
panoramas - the tilesets for the maps (Night, Lighting and Cave) as well
as the Spawn overlay has been generated from the Minecraft world using
the tool Minecraft-Overviewer (version 0.1.4),
by Andrew Brown and a whole list of contributors.
Other than the generation of tilesets the tool extracts sign positions and stores them as Google Maps markers, which is then bundled with html
and javascript code to present all the data on a web page with a Google Maps view. I want to be very clear on the fact that I can NOT and
will NOT take credit for anything relating to the hard work of Andrew or any of the contributors with the Minecraft-Overviewer.

Minecraft-Overviewer has been extremely usable, and the ONLY thing I have done, with the intent of private use,
is modify the html code and scripts to integrate it to a ASP.NET MVC 3 server and add somekind
of StreetView functionality. The StreetView functionality has been improvised by modding existing
code and adding some missing elements from the Google Maps API in the form of Google Maps
markers that, when clicked on, open a StreetView that (for each panorama marker) shows
a spherical projection of a single image composited ("stitched") from circa 40-50 screenshots
taken from within the Minecraft client (trying to cover a full 360 degrees).

The compositing tool used is Microsoft ICE
(Image Composite Editor), that stitches different pictures (screenshots/photos/etc.) into a composite 3D image. It
is that image that is used, as is, by the StreetView.

Feel free to contact me at admin@xn--kttdisken-07a.se.

Ant комментирует...

Link didn't work because of that "o".

Keir Clarke комментирует...

Thanks - I've now fixed the link

Ant комментирует...

Thank you, Keir. :)