среда, сентября 07, 2011

Texas Wildfires on Google Maps

It has been a busy couple of weeks for the Google Crisis Response team. First there was Hurricane Irene, then the Vermont Flooding and now we have the Texas wildfires.

The Google Crisis Response: Texas Wildfires Map uses data from the Texas Forest Service to plot the location of active fires in the state. The map also allows you to view recent MODIS satellite imagery of the affected area and to view the locations of Red Cross national shelters.


3 комментария:

Houston G. комментирует...

Kier, is there a any updated imagery on Riley Road Fire in Texas?

Keir Clarke комментирует...

Hi Houston,

In the Google Crisis Response map Riley Rd just shows up in the Geoeye satellite image,


If you are searching for more up-to-date imagery you could try searching the Geoeye website, or the MODIS website. They might have released more recent imagery.

Keir Clarke комментирует...

The Google Earth Blog has a post about new imagery just released.
