среда, сентября 28, 2011

Tracking Corruption with Google Maps

Having come across the concept of baksheesh more than a few times in my travels around the world I know how frustrating it can be to have to pay bribes to officials just to get them to do their jobs properly. It often seems that the practice is officially encouraged and that there is no point in reporting the incident.

In these situations it would be at least satisfying to be able to warn the rest of the world about the corruption.

The Corruption Tracker uses Ushahidi's map reporting system to allow users to report and map any corruption that they witness or are subject to.

Users can report corruption by sending an email, by sending a tweet with the hashtags '#corruption', '#bribe', '#anti-corruption' or '#theft', or by filling out a short form. Submitted reports of corruption then appear on the Corruption Tracker Google Map.


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