вторник, сентября 06, 2011

Follow Penguin Happy Feet on Google Maps

In June of this year an Emperor Penguin, who was soon named Happy Feet, was found on Peka Peka Beach in New Zealand. The penguin had ventured about 2000 km north of his normal habitat in the Antarctic.

During his stay in New Zealand Happy Feet was cared for by Wellington Zoo. Now, however, he has been released back into the wild. He has also been fitted with a Sirtrack KiwiSat 202 Satellite Transmitter.

Thanks to Sirtrack you can now follow Happy Feet live on a Google Map as he undertakes his long journey home.


1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

Did it ever seem passible that something was wrong with this penguin? If he ended up in New Zeland he was way off course. Mabey his "internal map" was off. What made all these experts think he could find his way home. My thanks to all that helped him get well. CH