четверг, сентября 15, 2011

Vegas Hotels on Google Maps

Vegas Vision is a Google Map of hotels on the Las Vegas Strip.

All the hotels on the Strip are highlighted on the map. If you click on a hotel you can read a brief review. You also have the option to view the hotel in Street View, view photos of it from Flickr, read foursquare tips, Twitter messages and view videos posted to YouTube.

Vegas Vision also lets you check out all upcoming comedy and musical shows on the Strip.


2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

I see enough of the strip on my drive to work =\

Анонимный комментирует...

lol @Anonymous1. As a Vegas vacationer, I think it's pretty neat. Could definitely see how a resident might feel overloaded, though! I guess it's all a matter of perspective.