среда, июня 27, 2012

Offline Google Maps for Android

If you download the latest version of Google Maps for Android you can now download huge areas to use offline. In the latest version of Google Maps for Android you can save up to six large areas.

To save an area you need to navigate to the area you want to download and select 'Make available offline' from the menu. You are then shown the size of the file you want to download so that you know how much space it will take up on your phone.

Via: Google LatLong

3 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

Sadly the list of countries supported by offline mapping seems very random. I'm passing through Japan and Italy next month and neither are supported. I won't be leaving my paper maps behind just yet.

Анонимный комментирует...

I'm heading to Japan in October so really hope it's available by then.

Анонимный комментирует...

It's just sad that we cannot use "Get Directions" offline even if the GPS is enabled. Also, POI are unavailable while offline even if you download the map.