суббота, июня 02, 2012

Parallax Clouds on Google Maps

Bossa of NYC have created a very clever HTML5 application to show the location of their New York office.

'Lets Bossa' opens on a custom designed view of the earth and the moon. As you zoom in on the map the view switches to Google Maps satellite imagery and different animations appear on top the map.

There are parallax scrolling clouds.

There are even flying birds.

  Let's Bossa uses HTML5 and works best in a modern browser, such as Chrome.

2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

If you keep zooming there is a custom Street view with rich markers animations! There is also a few easter eggs on the site. Pretty cool.

Анонимный комментирует...

If you keep zooming there is a custom Street view with rich markers animations! There is also a few easter eggs on the site. Pretty cool.