суббота, августа 25, 2012

Google Maps Mania in the Arctic

Google this week started collecting Street View imagery in Cambridge Bay in the Northwest Passage in Canada's Arctic. It is a location you can only reach by plane or boat and is the furthest north the Google Maps Street View team has traveled in Canada.

This Street View adventure has captured the imagination of many Canadians and has featured fairly heavily in Canadian news reports. For example, check out this report on CTV News.

Near the beginning of the clip you can see the Street View trike being ridden through the streets of Cambridge Bay. But hang on ... who is that riding the Street View trike? Yes, it is Google Maps Mania founder Mike Pegg, moonlighting as a Street View driver.

Mike however is not working alone. Google are working with the local community to improve Google Maps in the area with Google Map Maker. A community Map Up event has been held, where village elders, local mapping experts and teenagers from the nearby high school gathered around a dozen Chromebooks and used Map Maker to add new roads, rivers and lakes to the Google Map of Cambridge Bay and Canada's North.

Via: Google Lat Long

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