пятница, августа 03, 2012

Win a Place at Google I/O 2013

The Google API Developers Challenge is open to developers and designers around the world. In this competition developers are asked to combine the power of the Google Places API and build an app that improves their community or government with a diverse set of municipal data sources.

The developers of the best apps will win a VIP trip to Google I/O 2013 and a dinner with the Google Maps team.

Three winners of the Judge's Choice Award will receive two Google I/O tickets per winning team, a $3500 travel stipend, a chance to showcase their app at Google I/O 2013 and dinner with the Google Maps and Places API team.

One winner of the People's Choice Award will also win 2 Google I/O tickets , a $3500 travel stipend, a chance to showcase their app at Google I/O 2013 and dinner with the Google Maps and Places API team.

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