пятница, августа 17, 2012

Where Do the Rudest Americans Live?

TwitterHeatmap has created a number of animated heat maps displaying the density of Tweets sent by Americans that include the phrases 'good morning' and 'fuck you'.

For each phrase a number of daily animated heat maps have been created so you can view the spread and density of these messages throughout the day and over a number of different days. To launch an animation just choose a date from the sidebar, then click on one of the options, after that click on the play button to run the animation.

I'll let you come to your own conclusions about where the rudest Americans live.

13 комментариев:

Анонимный комментирует...

Do ANY people in Montana use Twitter?

Fodder of Dreams комментирует...

Motnanans won't be able to figure it out until the new assault weapon interface comes online.

Daniel комментирует...

They might get on board if Bud Light runs a Twitter promotion. A Copenhagen promo would work, too. Or an official sheep Tweeter.

Анонимный комментирует...

Maybe "462 specific locations" didn't include any in Montana.

Brandan комментирует...

Ha! It's funny to hear the Montana comments. You should be happy to know that they call it the last best state for a reason. That's why any rich snoby assholes should stay far away from our perfect environment. I will add that we are one of the very few states that do not have red in our budget and have no sales tax . To answer the question of twitter usage, yes we use all new technology and social media but just don't waste the whole day online because we are not stuck in some polluted city with nowhere to go other than inside.

Анонимный комментирует...

Wow Brandan! You're AWESOME and everyone else sucks why can't everyone see this oh how AWESOME it must be to be you in Montana and if we were all like you the world would be perfect you must be so proud I bet everyone loves you and you have lots of friends and MONTANA and everything oh I want to die just thinking about your AWESOMENESS and MONTANA YEAH!

Анонимный комментирует...

Dear Anonymous - how is it that Brandon deserves mocking, yet Fodder and Daniel make aceptable comments? Let me try to articulate Brandon's point in a way thayt is less offensive to your delicate, yet sophisticated demeanor.

Please continue believing that all Montanans are backward, ingrates and we have yet to adopt indoor plumbing. That way I can continue to spend my days without the all the benefits, conveniences and pleasant fellow humans you (according to the Twitter heatmap) evolved and civilized people in LA, Chicago and New York get. Better? Have a great day.

Анонимный комментирует...

Look.... Everyone's living up to the facts on the map.

Анонимный комментирует...

It reads like a population density map. You can't derive anything from this.

Анонимный комментирует...

#FU from LA.. but what with Toronto.

Анонимный комментирует...

Actually as soon as the 'fuck you"s cross the Canadian border they become "I beg your pardon"s.

Randy комментирует...

Please divide by the population density and reissue the maps. I want to see where the Rudest Americans live, not just where the most Americans live.

Анонимный комментирует...

hmm, that's strange. Montana is in the top 3 states in the USA for the highest suicides.