воскресенье, сентября 02, 2012

The Google Maps of the Week

MyHistro is a great tool for creating interactive Google Map time-lines. Using myHistro it is possible to create a mapped time-line of any subject. A time-line can be of pictures and places you visited on your last vacation, the life of Marilyn Monroe, an account of battles in the American Civil War or anything else that you want to map.

Completed time-lines can be navigated by clicking on the time-line (positioned above the map) or by clicking on individual map markers. Each time-line map can also be viewed as a chronological animation by using the playback controls. 

Uncharted.fm is a great way to learn about and explore the countries of the world with Google Maps. It is a superb introductory learning application for teaching where the countries of the world are on a map.

The Uncharted.fm country quiz is very well done. The quiz takes you through progressive stages exploring different continents and parts of the world. In each stage of the quiz users are shown a number of countries on Google Maps and told the name of each country. The user is then tested on the countries they have been shown.

Uncharted.fm isn't just a quiz. It also contains great content about each country. After completing each task the learner gains access to content about the countries featured, including images, Wikipedia information and basic facts about the country.

Resident Evil: Retribution Street Invasion is a zombie shooting game that takes place on Google Maps Street View. You can choose to defend your own house or fight anywhere else where Street View is available.

A lot of people seem to have been having problems getting this game to work but I rechecked it this morning and it was up and running again.

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