понедельник, октября 29, 2012

Following #Sandy with Social Media

Hurricane Sandy Tweets is a Google Map showing real-time Twitter messages containing '#Sandy'. The map also shows the predicted path of Hurricane Sandy. The map zooms and pans to the location of the latest #Sandy tweet and opens an information window to display the actual message.

The map also includes the Google Maps API weather layer, showing the latest cloud coverage and temperatures. 

If you want to view the latest Instagram photographs with the hashtag Sandy then you can view this map from Gramfeed. The locations where #Sandy photos have been submitted to Instagram are displayed on a Google Map and you can view all the pictures beneath the map.

Also See

Google Crisis Response has released two maps in response to Hurricane Sandy:
  • Hurricane Sandy: NYC - this map, specifically for New York, features layers to display evacuation zones, open shelters, weather information and live webcams.
  • Hurricane Sandy - shows the path of Hurricane Sandy and layers to display cloud cover and weather radar imagery. The map can also be used to view public alerts, emergency shelters, recovery centers and hurricane evacuation routes.

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