понедельник, октября 29, 2012

More Styles for the Google Maps API

On Friday of last week Google unveiled a new look for the base layer of Google Maps. The new look for Google Maps introduced terrain, color gradations to depict vegetation, and labels for natural land formations.

The new look base map was immediately apparent on maps created with the Google Maps API. Personally I think the new base map layer is a big improvement to Google Maps but not all developers will want the new look, or want it on every map. Therefore Google has added two new style controls to the Styled Maps feature of the API.

The two new controls are landscape.natural.landcover and landscape.natural.terrain. These selectors allow you to style the terrain and vegetation colors or even turn them off completely. For more information on map styles, check out the Styled Maps documentation, and use the Styled Maps Wizard to play with the new selectors.

Via: Google Geo Developers Blog

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