вторник, января 08, 2013

Australian Bushfires on Google Maps

In Australia high winds and record temperatures are fanning bushfires in large areas of the country, with the south-east and New South Wales in particular experiencing uncontrollable and dangerous blazes.

The New South Wales Rural Fire Service has a Google Map of current fires and services in the state. The map provides an indication of current fires and incidents being attended by NSW Rural Fire Service volunteers. Obviously the information is not in real-time and the map should only be used as a general guide.

The Bushfire Incident Map displays currently active fires in Australia. The map includes layers to display current wind conditions (from the Bureau of Meteorology Web Feature Service), the location of fire brigades in Victoria and a current weather widget.

ABC Emergency does an excellent job in reporting current emergency alerts and warnings for each Australian state. The site also carries good advice on preparing bushfire kits and plans.

2 комментария:

Paul комментирует...

Google Crisis maps (Also linked from abc) seems to have NSW only


Paul комментирует...

A Victorian one:
