четверг, января 10, 2013

Australian Bushfires on Google Maps

The Australian Bushfire Map is gathering and displaying data from multiple public agencies to give a composite view of fire incidents currently affecting Australia.

The map includes data feeds from:
  • Queensland Fire and Rescue Service 
  • New South Wales Rural Fire Service 
  • Australian Capital Territory Emergency Services Authority 
  • Victorian Country Fire Authority 
  • Tasmanian Fire Authority 
  • South Australia Country Fire Service 
  • West Australia Department of Fire & Emergency Services 
  • Sentinel Hotspots: Satellite thermal imaging from daily passes by MODIS 
The map also contains a number of options to refine the fire data displayed on the map. It is possible to view hotspots from 'today',  'recent' (today and yesterday) and 'history'.

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Thanks for the repost! Glad you liked it.

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