вторник, января 08, 2013

When Tanks Attack on Google Maps

Google Guns is an impressive tank fighting game that takes full advantage of Google Maps' 45°(Bird's Eye) satellite view.

You can choose from a number of pre-set battlefield locations for your tank fight. After you have selected the location the four tanks in your army are displayed at the bottom of a Google Map. The enemy tanks attack in waves from the top of the screen.

To defeat the enemy tanks select one of your own tanks from the map and click on the tank that you wish to attack, or click anywhere on the map to move to that location.

The game can actually be played at any location in the world but it does look much more effective when you choose a location with 45° satellite imagery. If you want to find more locations with Bird's Eye view then check out this map that shows all the worldwide locations on Google Maps that now have 45° satellite imagery.

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Now called "geoguns"
