среда, ноября 06, 2013

Introducing Plane View

Both Bing and Google Maps have oblique aerial image views, that allow you to view aerial photos of cities taken from planes (although oblique aerial views seem to be another on the long list of features missing from the new look Google Maps). Both Bing and Google Maps provide a similar interface that allows users to navigate the imagery as a slippy map and to rotate the view in 90 degree turns.

South Korea's Naver Maps has introduced a new way to navigate oblique aerial imagery in its new Plane View. Plane View works just like Google Maps Street View, except the imagery has been captured by a plane and not by a Street View car. Plane View provides a series of 360 degree panoramic images taken from the air.

Well done Naver Maps, for introducing a cool new feature that gives users something more than is available on Google Maps.

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