воскресенье, ноября 17, 2013

The Maps of the Week

The University of Maryland's Global Forest Change Map is a Google Map showing forest extent and forest change globally between 2000 and 2012.

By comparing over half a million satellite images the University of Maryland were able to analyse forest loss and gain across the world. From the analysis they have created a number of overlays showing both forest loss and forest gain. You can view all of the overlays on this Google Map and observe the results of global deforestation.

An Englishman's bedsit is his castle. Which is lucky because in the present housing market bubble a bedsit is about all you are likely to be able to afford in the UK.

Illustreets has created an awesome animated Google Map of England and Wales showing the monthly volume of home sales by postcode from January 2009 to August 2013. The map provides a great illustration of how the property market in the UK has recovered since the beginning of 2009. The map also shows the seasonal patterns of property sales in the UK, dropping off in the winter months, especially in January, and rising again in the spring and summer months.

Users can adjust the value of properties that they wish to display on the map and select any postcode to view a chart showing median house prices vs. monthly property sales.

CartoDB's Torque allows developers to render large, time-series data on a map in the client. The library effectively provides a simple method to animate large amounts of data on a map.

A good demonstration of Torque in action is this Amsterdam: Fire Engine Callouts map. The map uses the Torque library to animate 62,415 fire brigade call-outs in Amsterdam between January 2006 and September 2010.

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