вторник, декабря 30, 2014

Mapping Gentrification in New York

The North West Bushwick Community Group is a local organization fighting for housing justice in Bushwick, New York. In particular the community group is engaged in trying to ensure that development in the area is focused on local community needs before those of private capital.

As part of the fight for housing justice in the neighborhood the group has created the Northwest Bushwick Community Map. The map includes a number of data layers relevant to housing and housing need in Northwest Bushwick. These include information on land use, rent stabilization and the owners of individual properties.

The map uses Odyssey,js to also present three different stories which provide real world examples of how the data layers relate to the housing and community needs of residents in Bushwick. These three narratives explore the impact of gentrification in the neighborhood, specifically involving the Rheingold Development, Colony 1209 and 98 Linden Street.

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