среда, апреля 29, 2015

The American Highways Transit Map

Cameron Booth of Transit Maps has created an interactive version of his popular 'subway map' style atlas of American highways.

The Highways Map USA shows every single Interstate Highway and U.S. Highway in the contiguous 48 states. You can buy a print of the map on Cameron's website but this interactive version of the map allows you to pan & drag the map and zoom in on particular junctions.

The map was created using Zoomify to create the map tiles from the static map. Showing Zoomify Images with Leaflet explains how to do this and includes a Leaflet plugin to add the created tiles to a Leaflet map.

Cameron's map also uses a dynamic URL scheme so you can link to individual areas & zoom levels on the map. This functionality can easily be added to Leaflet maps using the Leaflet-hash plugin.

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