понедельник, апреля 13, 2015

The Real-Time San Francisco Muni Tracker

We had to feature at least one really great Google Maps mashup on the tenth anniversary of Google Maps Mania. So here it is ...

The San Francisco Muni Tracker is a real-time map of all the buses in San Francisco’s Muni transit system. The map includes two main views. The 'Now' layer allows you to view all the Muni buses moving in real-time on a map of San Francisco. Click on any one of the buses' map markers and you can view how many miles the bus has covered in the last 24 hours.

Switch to the 'Replay the last 24 hours' layer and you can view an animation of all the buses' tracks over the last 24 hours. This is a great visualization of how the buses move around San Francisco. It highlights the reduction in bus activity at night and also the higher speeds when buses are on the freeways.

The map itself was created with Firebase's realtime transit data and CartoDB’s Torque library. You can read more about the map on the Firebase blog - Build Realtime Firebase Maps with CartoDB.

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