пятница, июля 31, 2015

History of the World - Part One

Two weeks ago Associated Press added thousands of vintage newsreel videos to YouTube from British Pathe. The videos contain original newsreel footage of some the Twentieth Century's most historical events.

Luckily for me the videos were published just as I was looking for some time-based location data for a Leaflet.js slider control that I was working on. This Layer Group slider control for Leaflet.js is designed to load a subset of markers (defined using Layer Group) onto a map by selecting from a sequential series of options. For example, choosing a year from a range of dates.

You can view a demo of the new slider control on News Videos. News Videos is a collection of vintage newsreel reports from British Pathe and elsewhere. You can select to load videos onto the map by date by selecting a decade using the slide control at the bottom of the map.

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