суббота, июля 11, 2015

Now Live from Space - Himawari-8

Yesterday the New York Times published some amazing photos and timelape footage from the new Japanese satellite, Himawari-8. Himawaris-8 is in stationary orbit over New Guinea and is able to capture some amazing imagery and data of the Earth.

I thought it might be interesting to try and use Mapbox GL to map some of the video timelapse footage. I obviously didn't want to steal the New York Times video so I went looking for the original source. That's when I found Himawari-8 Real-time Web, which appears to be a repository for Himawari-8 images and video.

You can browse Himawari-8 Real-time Web for images and timelapse videos taken from Japan's new weather satellite. The timelapse video includes amazing footage of Typhoon Chan-hom and Typhoon Nangka in the Pacific Ocean.

Unfortunately all the timelapse video footage is clearly copyrighted 'with all rights reserved', Therefore I don't think it is possible to overlay the video on top of a Mapbox GL map without breaking the copyright terms, which is obviously a bit of a shame.

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