пятница, февраля 26, 2016

Brest in 3D

OSM Buildings is a great way to report on architectural and major construction projects. The platform not only allows you to show the locations of new buildings and projects it also allows you to visualize building outlines in 3d

For example, last year the Berliner Morgenpost used the platform to help visualize the impact that new skyscapers are having on Berlin's skyline. In Berlin's neue Skyline the newspaper used OSM Buildings to explore each of the the major new skyscrapers built in the city since 1990.

Berlin isn't the only city to be affected by a construction boom. Since the turn of the century the city of Brest in France has been busy transforming its urban landscape with new industrial areas, ports, housing estates and stadium. This boom has led to the construction of thousands of new buildings in Brest over the last 15 years.

Le Telegramme has used OSM Building to create a new interactive map which visualizes some of the most important new  buildings in Brest. La Métamorphose de la Ville en Trois Dimensions uses OSM Buildings to present Brest's new buildings in 3d on a map of the city. The use of 3d buildings on top of an OpenStreetMap map really helps to convey the scale of the change taking place in Brest

If you are interested in creating your own building or architectural tour using OSM Buildings then you should check out Webkid's excellent tutorial, Interactive 3D Maps With OSMBuildings.

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