среда, февраля 03, 2016

Run Around the World on Google Maps

Australian Tom Denniss ran around the whole world in just 622 days. This is a new world record. In total Deniss ran 16,300 miles and passed through 18 countries.

40 Million Steps: A Run Around the World is a story map put together by Runner's World which allows you to follow Denniss' route around the world. While following his journey you can also view some of the photos, videos, audio clips and blog entries posted by Denniss during his epic global journey.

The Run Around the World Story map includes forward and back buttons which allow you to progress through the mapped journey. If you don't want to view the map for every one of the 622 days then you can use the 'skip ahead' button, This will take you to the next important stage in Denniss' journey.

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