суббота, февраля 11, 2017

Mapping Canada's Population

Earlier this week the first data from the 2016 Canadian census was released. The first data from last year's census covers population and dwelling counts. You can view how population has changed in the Toronto region on this Population Change in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2011-2016 interactive map.

The map shows how the population has changed in each census tract region between the 2011 and 2016 censuses. If you hover over a census tract on the map you can view the percentage of the negative or positive population change in the tract. You can also view the population totals for the tract from the 2011 and 2016 census returns.

The City of Toronto itself grew by 116,511 people since the last census. If you are interested in the population totals for other Canadian locations you can view the 2016 census population data for the whole country on Census Mapper.

For example this Population Density map shows the population counts for each census tract in Canada. If you select a tract on the map you can view the 2016 census returns for the total population, the number of dwellings and the number of households. If you are interested in the population change in your area then you can check out this Absolute Population Change map, which shows which tracts have seen a growth or decline in population since the 2011 census.

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