четверг, февраля 02, 2017

Mapping the Crisis in the NHS

The continual under funding of the English National Health Service under this Conservative government has led to the British Red Cross calling the current situation affecting the NHS a 'humanitarian crisis'.

The NHS Crisis Tracker is a Google Map which shows you the percentage of people waiting more than four hours to be seen in hospital Accident & Emergency wards in each postcode area in England. If you enter your postcode into the map you can view the percentage of patients waiting more than four hours and the total NHS funding gap in the area.

The map was created by the campaign group 38 Degrees. The group is using the map to petition the government for more funding for the NHS. The NHS Crisis Tracker map also shows the number of people in each postcode area who have signed the 38 Degrees petition.

The UK government's 'Fair Funding' reforms for schools means that education in the UK is also facing a crisis. The 'Fair Funding' reforms have been designed to cut the money that the government gives to schools and means that in real terms 92% of UK schools will see cuts in their funding. You can find out which of your local schools will lose out and by how much on this new interactive map.

The National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers has released the School Cuts interactive map. Using the map you can find out how much your local schools will suffer under the government's new funding regime. Enter your postcode and local schools will be shown on the map using '+' and '-' markers. The '+' markers show schools that will see an increase in funding. The '-' markers show schools that will experience cuts in real terms (you are unlikely to see a '+' marker on the map).

If you select a school on the map you can find out how much money that school is losing. You can also view how much money that is per pupil and how many teachers could be lost (based on the average teacher's salary).

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