четверг, мая 04, 2017

Global Real-Time Animated Transit Maps

There are lots of localized transit maps which show the real-time location of buses, trains and other modes of transport in towns and cities around the world. Travic, on the other hand, has always had global ambitions. The Travic map provides animated maps of over 700 transit systems around the world.

Livemap24 has similar global ambitions. Using Livemap24 you can zoom-in on locations around the world and view local transit systems moving around the map in real-time. I haven't tested every country on Livemap24 but it looks like it shows real-time transit in most 'first world' countries and has patchy or no coverage in non-first world countries.

The number of transit systems shown on the map seems to be good in most countries, except the UK. For example in New York you can view live buses, subway cars and trains. In Berlin Livemap24 shows the real-time movements of trams, buses and trains. In Sydney it shows ferries, buses and trains. In the UK however Livemap24 only seems to show the real-time location of trains.

One very neat feature of Livemap24 is that you can click on individual vehicles moving on the map -to view the vehicle's complete schedule, with all planned times and stops.

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