понедельник, мая 29, 2017

How Students Travel

Every day around 184,000 post-secondary students in Toronto travel to their lectures via foot, bike, car and public transit. In order to help universities, transportation agencies and students make better decisions about transport infrastructure and programs StudentMoveTO surveyed Toronto students about where they live and how they travel to and from campus and home.

Heatmaps of Home-Campus Trips in the Toronto Region is a mapped visualization of the commuting routes and modes of travel of Toronto's students. It allows you to explore where students travel from to get to each Toronto campus, the different modes of transportation used, the critical travel routes used and the length of student journeys.

Using the map's filter tools you can explore the student travel data for individual campuses and for the different modes of travel. This allows you to explore the average trip time for each campus and the percentage of students using the different modes of travel.

The map was created entirely with open source software. You can read more about what tools were used and how the map was created on the map's GitHub page.

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