суббота, июня 03, 2017

Google's UK Election Trends

Next Thursday the UK will be electing a new government. The current Conservative government has been fighting their election campaign largely on the issues raised by Brexit. But is this really the political issue that UK voters care most about?

According to Google Trends the Conservative Party are partly right in identifying Brexit as a big issue in this election. The Google Trends UK Election Map suggests that Health and the NHS is the biggest political issues in the UK, but this is closely followed by the EU and Brexit.

The Google Map shows the most searched political issue in each constituency over the last six months. If you click on a constituency you can view the top political issue searched for according to Google. I'm not sure why Google has restricted the map to only showing the top most searched term in each area. Listing the top 5 would be more useful and might mitigate a little against any errors in Google's methodology (for example Google says that religion is the biggest political issue in my constituency - I really don't believe that religion is anywhere near being a political concern in my area).

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