четверг, июня 08, 2017

UK Election Maps

Guardian map from during the 2015 general election

The first results from the UK general election are expected soon. If the Exit Poll is to be believed this is going to be an exciting night and a very long night if your name is Theresa May.

You can follow the results as they come in on The Guardian's Live Election Tracker. The Guardian has decided to use a cartogram, in which the geometry of each electoral district is distorted in order to present all constituencies as equal in size. The BBC's Election 2017 Results page includes a more traditional map, in which constituencies have not been geographically distorted (except for the usual map projection distortions).

If you want to play along at home you should print out Alex Parson's Colour in your own Hexagon Election Map. Alex's printable hexagon map allows you to color in the constituencies yourself as the results come in. You can also print out the estimated declaration times for each constituency, so that you know which ones to look out for as the evening progresses.

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