понедельник, сентября 04, 2017

How Will East & West Berlin Vote?

German newspaper Tagesspiegel has been investigating how Berlin neighborhoods have voted in all general elections since the fall of the Berlin Wall. With the next Federal Election just a few weeks away the paper wanted to explore how Berliners have voted in previous elections and in particluar whether East and West Berlin are still generally supporting different political parties.

The Wie Berliner Kieze seit der Wende wählten interactive map allows you to view the votes for each political party in each of the last seven federal elections in each electoral district in the city. The map includes visualizations and detailed analysis of the performance of each of the parties in each election in Berlin.

You can view the performance of each of the political parties separately in each election by selecting the party and the year of the election. You can read the Tagesspiegel's analysis of the party's performance in each of the federal elections in the map side panel. The article below the map examines in more detail the different voting histories of East and West Berlin in each election since the reunification of Germany.

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