среда, сентября 06, 2017

Roll Your Own Game of Thrones Map

It has never been easier to create your own interactive Game of Thrones map. Thanks to Carto you don't even need to create your own basemap of Essos and Westeros. Carto's Game of Thrones Basemap of the Seven Kingdoms provides a great canvas on which you can add all of your Games of Thrones geo-data.

If you want to know how to add all your GoT geo-data to the Carto basemap then you need Patrick Triest's tutorial Building Aa Interactive Game Of Thrones Map (Part I) - Node.js, PostGIS, and Redis. The first installment of this two part tutorial explains how you can build a searchable backend to serve your data to the map. Part II of the tutorial is due next week. This second part promises to look more at the actual mapping side of building an interactive Game Of Thrones map,

If you were wondering what a Node.js, PostGIS, and Redis powered Game of Thrones map looks like then you can find out on Patrick's Atlas of Thrones. The map includes lots of categorized points of information that you can view on the map. Including castles, towns, regions and landmarks. You can navigate to these via the categorized menu or by using the built-in search function.

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