среда, ноября 01, 2017

The UK Construction Map

Disruption caused by builders can be a huge pain. A new interactive map hopes to keep you better informed about any construction projects taking place near people's homes in the UK and Ireland. The map shows you the location of nearby building projects and allows you to find out who is responsible for the construction project, the name of the building contractor and the planned dates of construction.

Construction Map is an initiative by the Considerate Constructors Scheme, who hope it will provide a single point of reference about construction work being carried out in the UK and Ireland. The map provides details about construction sites, companies, suppliers and partners registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

If you type in your post-code or address into the Construction Map you can view an interactive map of construction projects taking place around your home. The red markers show the active construction sires, while the other colored markers show the locations of construction companies, suppliers etc. If you select a construction site on the map you can discover the name of the contractor, the name of the client and the length of the construction project. If the site has already been visited by the Considerate Constructors Scheme then you can also view their rating for the construction site.

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