пятница, января 05, 2018

Driving Directions for Electric Cars

If you drive from New York to San Francisco in an electric car you can save $381 in gas. However you will need to stop 19 times on the journey to recharge your car. I know this because I asked Tesla's new trip planning map to work out the route.

Go Anywhere is a simple trip planning tool for electric car drivers. The tool is a stripped down version of Tesla's in-car navigation system. Using the tool you can get a quick overview of the duration of a journey and all the car-charging locations along the route.

Go Anywhere allows you to add different stages to your route and it also has an option to show you the location of charging stations near the end of your route. However Go Anywhere really only provides a snapshot of your journey. It doesn't provide you with any detailed driving directions. Of course, if you are a Tesla driver, then you have your in-car navigation system to provide you with these detailed directions, while you actually drive.

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