четверг, января 11, 2018

Mapping Ancient Greece

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has released a number of virtual tours of some of Greece's most important archaeological and historically important sites. These Virtual Tours include interactive maps of Athens, Ancient Olympia, Mycenae, Marathon and a number of other historically important locations in Greece.

Each of these interactive maps includes a custom made map of the archaeological site, on which the most important buildings and landmarks are shown. For example the map for Athens includes the Parthenon, the Acropolis, the ancient Agora and the Temple of Olympian Zeus. You can learn more about any of these ancient landmarks by clicking on the links in the map sidebar or by clicking on the markers on the map.

The archaeological and historical maps for each virtual tour can be found by clicking on the tour's 'Myth' tab. If you select the 'Experience' tab on any of the virtual tours you can view a modern map of the site, featuring the locations of restaurants, transport links and other useful amenities for visitors to the site.

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