понедельник, мая 21, 2018

How Americans Get to Work

Across the whole of the United States most people travel to work by car and on their own. Apart from a few counties around New York City, the District of Colombia, most counties in Alaska and San Juan country in Colorado most Americans prefer to commute alone and by car.

Flowing data has mapped out the most popular methods of communing in each U.S. county. The How Americans Get to Work interactive map provides a choropleth view showing the most popular method of commuting in each separate county. The blue counties on the map (in the screenshot above) show all the counties where 'Drive Alone' is the most popular method of commuting.

In a few counties around New York and in D.C. the most popular method of commuting is public transport. San Juan, Colorado is the only county outside of Alaska where the most popular method of commuting is by foot.

All the different modes of transport can be filtered on the map. Therefore you can turn off the 'Drive Alone' commuters to see which are the next most popular methods of commuting in each American county.

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