понедельник, мая 14, 2018

The Blueprints to Hogwarts

I've been trying to track down the blueprints to Hogwarts for a long time. Without much success. Until now.

The Ravenclaw Map is an interactive map of Hogwarts. It isn't quite a Marauders Map but it does include plans of all the school's floor levels and helps you to win a number of Hogwarts' awards. If you hover over any of the rooms on the map you can reveal its name. If you click on a room you can also read a short description of what can be found there. The map could therefore prove invaluable for anybody who needs to surreptitiously find their way around the school.

As you explore the Ravenclaw Map you can also win yourself a number of awards. If you click on the 'Challenges' button you can discover which rooms you need to find on the map to earn yourself a number of different awards.

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