четверг, сентября 27, 2018

Global Warming is Here

Global warming has already increased temperatures around the world. You can find out how much temperatures have risen where you live on a new map from Carbon Brief,. The map shows how far global temperatures have risen since 1850 and how much they are expected to rise by the end of this century.

If you click on your location on the map you can view a temperature chart showing the rise in the local temperature since 1850 and the predicted rise up to the year 2100. The map shows that in New York the temperature has already risen by 1.7C and that by 2100 it could rise to 5.2C. In London, thanks to global warming the temperature has risen by 1.2C and could rise by another 4.5C by the year 2100.

Elsewhere around the world the map shows that in Paris the temperature has risen by 1.4C since 1850, in Tokyo temperatures have risen by 1.3C, in Sydney temperatures have risen by 1.1C, Delhi has seen a rise in temperature by 1C and in Cairo the temperature has risen by 1.6C.

If you want to know how much temperatures have risen near you and the further temperature rises that you can expect this century then just click on your location on Carbon Brief's How every part of the world has warmed – and could continue to warm interactive map.

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