пятница, января 25, 2019

125 Million US Buildings in 3D

note - screenshot is of Cesiumjs not the new U.S. cityGML data

Open City Model is a project which has been working on creating cityGML data for every building in the United States. The first release of Open City Model is now live, with the 3D building data for 125 million buildings in the USA.

You can grab the open cityGML data for the United States on the project's GitHub page. On Open City Model the U.S. 3D building date is available in two formats, cityGML and cityJSON. The data for each state is available in separate folders. The files for each state are further divided into each county.

If you want to use the data then check out the Open City Model GitHub page for a list of software that supports the format. CesiumJS being perhaps the best known of these. If you want to know what cityGML looks like in action then you should check out Finland's Helsinki 3D which uses cityGML with CesiumJS. The Open City Model GitHub page links to a number of other examples of 3D maps using cityGML.

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