четверг, января 10, 2019

The Chicago Parking Ticket Map

The Chicago Parking Ticket Map is a Bokeh powered visualization of Chicago's parking ticket data. This interactive map allows you to explore where and when parking tickets were issued in the city from the beginning of 2013 through to May 2018.

The map has a number of options which allow you to filter the data by time of day, day of the week, by type of violation and by date range. If you select the 'Hover' tool from the map tools you can mouse-over individual blocks to view the total dollars in penalties issued to motorists through parking tickets in the selected locality.

The data from the Chicago Parking Ticket Map comes from Propublica, who obtained the data from the city using Freedom of Information requests. Last year Propublica used the data themselves in a number of articles and data visualizations exploring how the city of Chicago has been pushing many car drivers into debt. For example, the Ticket Trap allows you to see how many tickets have been issued in any ward of Chicago and compare the data to other city wards.

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