суббота, апреля 20, 2019

Dutch Election Map

Provincial elections were held in the Netherlands in March 2019. These elections have a bearing on the national government, since the members of the twelve provincial states will elect the Senate's 75 members in the Senate election on 27 May.

You can view the provincial election results at every polling booth on de Volkskrant's Hoe stemde jouw buurt? interactive map. The good news is that the repugnant Party for Freedom lost half of its seats. Unfortunately those lost votes seemed to mostly go to another extreme right party. The big winner in the election was the far-right Forum for Democracy, led by the elitist white nationalist and misogynist Thierry Baudet. The Party for Freedom won the same number of seats (12) as the center-right People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), who lost one seat since the last election in 2015. The GreenLeft party also did well, gaining four seats since 2015, and winning nine seats overall.

The interactive map from de Volkskrant allows you to view the results of the election down to the individual polling booth level. This allows you to view the voting patterns at a very local level, within individual towns and cities. At the national level it appears that the Party for Freedom and the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy picked up a lot of votes in the west of the country. The GreenLeft, on the other hand, appear to have done very well in the the east of the Netherlands.

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