четверг, июля 25, 2019

Global Heating in Europe

This year many European countries experienced their hottest June on record. July looks to be another record breaking month across the whole of the continent. Yesterday Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands all recorded their highest ever temperatures. Many other temperature records are forecast to be broken today and tomorrow, with temperatures expecting to pass 40 degrees centigrade in many countries.

The BBC has created a number of maps exploring how global heating is effecting temperatures in Europe. This includes an interactive map which shows all the locations around the world which experienced record temperatures between May 1st - July 31st 2018. Those record temperatures were recorded around much of the globe and lots of these records are going to broken again this year.

Météo-France reports that many weather stations across the country, from Le Havre in the north (36.3°C) to Bordeaux in the south (41.2°C) have this week recorded their highest ever temperatures. They are forecasting that Thursday will be even hotter. The UK's Met Office is also predicting record-breaking temperatures today. The Met Office says that this kind of extreme heatwave is likely to become much more common because of global heating.

The Met Office has also published 10 tips for Keeping Cool in Hot Weather.

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