суббота, июля 06, 2019

The Film Map of the World

The Film Map of the World shows the 10 most Wikipedia'ed films which are set in every country in the world. On the map the ten biggest cities (or highest mountains / point of interests) in each country are labelled to show one of the ten most popular movies which were set in that nation.

Wikipedia was used to discover which films were set in each country. Some films are set in more than one country so films may appear in more then one country on the map. The top ten films in each country were determined by the average daily number of views of the film's entry on Wikipedia between 2015 and 2019.

The Film Map of the World was inspired by The Pudding's two interactive maps A People Map of the USA and A People Map of the UK. These two maps show the most famous person from each town in those two countries, based on each town's most Wikipedia'ed resident. The Pudding's maps also inspired the Most Popular Natives of Czech Towns interactive map.

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