понедельник, января 28, 2008

Keir Clarke joins Google Maps Mania!

Blogger, Google Maps developer, and Street View enthusiast Keir Clarke has joined the Google Maps Mania team as a regular writer! He'll be posting from London, UK and brings a great interest in the world of Google Maps! Some of Keir's past Google Maps projects have included the Star Viewer and Street Viewer. Keir is an ex teacher who is trying to make a go in the crowded world of freelance web design. Since giving up his teaching career two years ago he says that while he has become a lot poorer he does have more time to indulge in his love of traveling. This love is apparent in a Google Maps video blog he maintains called Virtual Tourism that you may have seen me blog about in the past. Welcome to Keir!

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Unknown комментирует...

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Many thanks,
